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Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome positives into your life.

Staying positive, I have found that how I answer the phone, talk, think, write and yes even dream affects my goal success. One of my daily goals is to be positive
Being Positive in your life, in your conversations, in your outlook of life can open many doors for you. No one wants to be around Grumpy!
Here are 5 simple steps to think positive
1. Important principle that is a key to success, health and happiness: We must keep our vision alive. We must stay mentally and emotionally strong and spiritually fit. After all, there will be days when our bodies say no. At those times we need our mind to say yes. There will be times when it seems that everything in life conspires to sabotage our goals and dreams. And there will be weeks or even months when we feel like we are hitting the all the bumps in life. The answer is to maintain your vision and focus on it. Keep your vision alive and it will keep you alive. Don't give up. Keep striving towards the vision planted in your mind and heart. Write down your vision for your life and career. Be as specific as you can. Know your WHY. Why is this vision significant to you? What do you hope for? What is the bigger reason for your vision? Your why is your purpose and you must know it because vision without purpose is like trying to take a trip without the gas to get you there. Purpose fuels your vision and it fuels you. Write down your WHY. Read your vision and your "why" statements each morning. Remember if you keep your vision alive it will keep you alive.
2. Be aware of your thoughts. Are they negative? If so is there something that you can do about them? Do it, if not accept the fact and refocus your thoughts to a positive thought. If they are positive thoughts-enjoy them, relish them and use them to motivate your actions. Jot down your thoughts that are strong or thoughts you think about often. What can they tell you? Are they negative or positive? Are they self talk? Humans seem to have a talent for negative self talk. One of the biggest differences between winners and losers is what they tell themselves. Be your own best cheerleader and when that ugly self talk rears its head. Use your positive thoughts to replace that ugly self talk with excitement. After all have you ever had an exciting negative self talk? Excitement is positive. Be aware of your thoughts! Your thoughts can beat you up or build you a successful business! If you have negative thoughts examine them take action to change them and if there is not any way you can change them look at what they can teach you. If they can't help you and you can't change them then get rid of them (I put them in my mind's prayer box and give them to the Lord). Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. This is really easy. Instead of thinking I am so (_______) (fat, stupid, whatever) Replace it with. I do not like this about myself and this is how I can change it! (You can find a group to support you in your goals feel free to invite a friend). Positive thoughts lead to positive actions!
3. When you are conversing be positive. If the conversation starts to take a down turn find a way to be positive about it. If you find positive things to talk about, more people will want to talk to you.
4. Get rid of the negatives in your life. They weigh you down and stress you out. There are some negatives that we have to live with. I am a diabetic. That is a negative. I have to live with that, but it does not mean it has to hold me back! I can control my blood sugars and motivate others to control theirs. Get rid of the negatives in your life. If you hate doing something why do it? If you dislike listening to someone go on about how terrible their life or health is-change the subject to something cheerful! Be proactive in all areas of your life.
5. Put your goals into action! There is nothing as positive as working on and achieving goals. Small goals and big ones are important. Be your best cheerleader! When someone asks you how you are doing, tell them something that is wonderful that is going on in your life.
Count your many blessings and count them frequently.
Have an attitude of Gratitude!
Go and Do! Don't sit and stew!
Work on your goals, help your neighbor, volunteer or just go for a walk. Make action a part of your life. When you meet people meet them with a smile and a welcoming handshake! Be the first to smile and wave to people whom you meet on the street. Be a positive force in your neighborhood. Your health will improve and your friendships will grow.
Hope you all have a wonderful positive week!

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